Mirror's Edge trailer [video]

Check this trailer out. Looks pretty good. This is the first ever gameplay footage of Mirror's Edge (PC PS3, Xbox 360), the upcoming first-person action-adventure game that is currently in development at Digital Illusions CE. Presented from a first-person perspective, the cinematic opened with Faith running, arms akimbo, before jumping on and climbing up a chain-link fence, sliding under a set of low steel pipes and performing a barrel roll as she landed.

It's not unlike trying to imagine Assassin's Creed from a totally different point of view. Along the way, she slid down pipes, ran sideways along building walls to bridge gaps, and used what looked like power cables as a makeshift zip line. 

Mirror's Edge trailer [video]

Printed from: https://www.guru3d.com/story/mirrors-edge-trailer-[video]/